Privacy Statement
This site is operated by The Tax Tribe. When visiting this site, a record of your visit is logged. The following information is recorded for statistical purposes and is used by The Tax Tribe to improve our service.
- this information is supplied by your browser
- the user's server address
- the user's operating system
- the user's domain name
- the date and time of the visit to the site
- the pages accessed and the documents downloaded
- the type of browser used
No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the Internet web server logs. When you email us:
- we will record your email address
- we will only use your email address for the purpose of our communication with you
- we will not use your email address for any other purpose
- we will not disclose your email address without your consent
Other information collected by us will only:
- be collected by lawful and fair means;
- be used for a lawful purpose;
- be collected with your consent, and;
- the purpose for collection will be clear and explicit.